Catherine Gilbert PhD defence


ARCHE member Catherine Gilbert recently defended her PhD at the University of Bordeaux. Her PhD featured several projects that were part of the ARCHE collaboration, namely through the development of minimally invasive sampling procedures for the analysis of bone and ivory objects. The thesis was titled ‘Methodological developments in high resolution mass spectrometry-based proteomics for the analysis of museum and archaeological objects: trace analysis and structural characterisation”. 

The jury consisted of:

  • Leila Birolo; Professor, University of Naples, Frederico II
  • Garry Corthals; Professor, Universoty of Amsterdam
  • Julie Arslanoglu; Research Scientist, Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Ina Reiche; CNRS Research Director, Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France
  • Bruno Maureille; CNRS Research Director, University of Bordeaux

If you’re interested in reading the thesis, don’t hesitate to contact Catherine.