Vaclav Krupicka PhD defence


ARCHE member Vaclav Krupicka successfully defended his PhD at the University of Bordeaux. 

His PhD thesis, carried out as part of the ARCHE activities, focused on the development of new High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry methodologies applied to Heritage Samples. Titled “Development of new High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Techniques for Structural Proteomic Analysis and Molecular Mapping of Cultural Heritage samples”, it features development of Top-Down proteomic workflow for analysis of paint systems as well as introduces MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MSI) for mapping of binder and pigment compositions of paint layers.

The committee consisted of:

  • Joelle VINH, CNRS Research Director, SMBP, CNRS, ESPCI Paris
  • Ilaria BONADUCE, Assistant Professor, University of Pisa
  • Rémi CHAPOUILLIE, Professor, Université Bordeaux Montaigne
  • Facundo M. FERNANDEZ, Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Julie ARSLANOGLU, Research Scientist, Metropolitan Museum of Arts
  • Caroline TOKARSKI, Professor, Université de Bordeaux.

If you’re interested in reading the thesis, don’t hesitate to contact Vaclav.